Stars Will Fall is a new and surging modern rock band formed in 2023 from Northeast
Ohio, with a mission of spreading the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The three members,
Dale Burns (lead vocals, lyrics, bass), Austin Devitt (drums, vocals), and Jason Perez (guitars,
bass, audio engineer), founded this band after seeing a need in the musical space that God
uniquely equipped them for.
Musical genre ranges from upbeat to hard and heavy rock, and lyrically from worshipful
to climactic. Dealing with issues such as Anxiety, broken Promises, and Following the hard path
daily, SWF delivers a message of hope that connects emotionally and sonically with its listeners.
Their two singles, Anxiety and Promises, have been well received in the Christian Rock
radio sphere, with both songs sitting at #1 on Rock4Him for a time, being #1 on Solid Rock
Radio, as well as being played by other powerhouse stations such as, Radio
13.FM, and more!